The Child Within

The Child Within

A Collection of Poems


Samantha Ruth

Skinned Knee

Skinning my knee on the playground 

Was a pain I couldn't bear 

But I brushed off the dirt and tears 

And got back up without a care 

The scrape on my skin 

Was a badge of honor, you see 

A reminder of the fun I had 

And the adventures that await me 

So I dusted myself off 

And went back to play 

Knowing that a little pain 

Can't stop me in any way

Source: co:listic agency


'Take a look at life through the eyes of a neglected youth. 'The Child Within' explores the effects of dysfunctional family life and the emotional weight inflicted upon its youngest inhabitant. Experience tales of innocence lost, growing up through times of hardship as well as times of pure joy. This journey may not always be a fun one, but it's sure to leave the reader feeling wiser and stronger - just as life does.'

Description written by Graydon Webb.

Sometimes the monsters under the bed never go away, they just get smaller and fit in our pocket.

Some pieces contain mature themes.

Gentle Joys…

Gentle joys abound,

In the world of innocence,

Childhood's precious gift.

Laughter fills the air,

As tiny feet dance with glee,

Unburdened by time.

Whispers of wonder,

Echo through their curious minds,

Endless exploration.

In golden meadows,

They chase dreams and butterflies,

Pure hearts, untamed souls.


Unfolds like a blooming bud,

Unbounded and wild.

Innocence like dew,

Glistens upon rosy cheeks,

Unspoiled by the world.

With eyes full of hope,

They see magic everywhere,

Miracles unfold.

Oh, the world they weave,

With untamed imagination,

Childhood's tapestry.

But time marches on,

Innocence fades away,

Yet memories stay.

Let us cherish them,

Hold onto our inner child,

Embrace innocence.

For within each heart,

Lies a piece of childhood's grace,

Forever alive.

Source: co:listic agency

In the Innocence…

In the innocence of childhood,

Where laughter dances on the breeze,

And joy can be found in the simplest of things,

There is a purity that knows no bounds.

It's in the way a child's eyes light up,

When they discover something new,

Or the way they run without a care,

Their little hearts full of wonder and curiosity.

Their innocence is like a breath of fresh air,

Free from the burdens of the world,

Pure and untainted by the harshness of reality,

Their spirits free to roam and explore.

In the innocence of childhood,

There is a magic that surrounds them,

A sense of limitless possibility,

And a belief in the goodness of the world.

So let us cherish this innocence,

For it is a precious gift to be protected,

And let us strive to keep their spirits light,

And their hearts full of wonder and delight.

Source: megan lockhart
Source: megan lockhart


A child's innocence, oh so sweet 

Believing in things that aren't concrete 

Santa and the Tooth Fairy, not quite real 

But in their hearts, they're a big deal 

Their eyes sparkle with wonder and delight 

As they wait for Santa on Christmas night 

Leaving out cookies and milk with care 

Hoping to catch him, but he's never there 

And when a tooth falls out, oh what a thrill 

They tuck it under their pillow with skill 

Hoping the Tooth Fairy will soon appear 

Leaving a shiny coin, oh so dear 

As adults, we know these tales are untrue 

But oh, the magic of believing in something new 

So let them dream and let them play 

For innocence and wonder will one day fade away

Source: co:listic agency

Warrior poet

In halls of learning, where young spirits dwell,

There lies a tale of darkness, hard to tell,

Of bullies lurking, seeking to oppress,

Leaving wounds unseen, causing much distress.

A child, innocent, with tender heart,

To them, a target, set apart.

With trembling steps, he walks through the door,

Into the battlefield, where pain galore.

Their words, like daggers, cut him deep inside,

Their laughter echoes, bruising his pride.

He hides his tears, a shattered soul concealed,

His innocence tainted, his wounds unhealed.

In classrooms, where knowledge should ignite,

He finds no solace, no refuge in sight.

Unseen bruises hidden beneath his clothes,

A constant reminder of life's cruel blows.

But in his heart, a flicker starts to burn,

A fire of courage, a desire to learn.

He stands tall, despite the torment endured,

For within him, resilience is assured.

He finds his voice, speaks out against the storm,

With words like poetry, his spirit transforms.

He pens his pain, his struggles, and his fears,

Revealing a strength that conquers all jeers.

Though scars may linger, etched upon his skin,

He finds redemption, a battle he'll win.

For in his words, he finds the power to heal,

To rise above, to forge a path that's real.

And as the bullies fade into the past,

His spirit soars, free from their shadows cast.

No longer defined by their cruel embrace,

He finds his worth, his own unique grace.

In the halls of learning, where dreams take flight,

He finds his purpose, his guiding light.

With words as his armor, he stands up tall,

A beacon of hope, inspiring all.

For bullies may try to tear him apart,

But they can't extinguish his resilient heart.

And in this battle, he finds his true worth,

A warrior poet, reclaiming his birth.

Our Innocence Did Dwell…

In tender years, our innocence did dwell,
A world of wonder, free from sorrow's blight,
With hearts so pure, like stories we would tell,
In dreams we danced, bathed in golden light.

But time, relentless, stole our childhood's reign,
And gently wove its web of growing fears,
Through trials, lessons learned, and tears of pain,
We left behind our blissful yesteryears.

The world grew larger, shadows cast their spell,
As innocence gave way to knowledge's weight,
The laughter faded, whispers started to swell,
And innocence lost, we learned to navigate.

Oh, how I long to hold those innocent days,
Yet wisdom gained, in bittersweet embrace.

I Don’t Want to Grow Up

Gentle whispers hum,

Time's fleeting grasp, I resist,

Never grow, I plead.

In dreams, I wander,

Where innocence reigns supreme,

Youthful heart takes flight.

Unburdened by age,

Playful laughter fills the air,

World, a fairytale.

Carefree and alive,

Imagination's embrace,

Endless possibilities.

But reality,

Tugs at the strings of my heart,

Tells me to grow up.

Yet, I yearn to stay,

Lost in childhood's sweet embrace,

Free from life's demands.

To forever dwell,

In a realm untouched by time,

Where dreams never fade.

Oh, to never grow,

To remain forever young,

Childhood's eternal bliss.

Source: co:listic agency

Adult Fears

Innocent and pure, yet burdened with adult fears

A child forced to carry the weight of grown-up worries

Their tiny shoulders bent under the heaviness

Of dreams dashed and hopes crushed by reality's harshness.

They should be playing in the sun, carefree and wild

But instead, they face the darkness of a world so unkind

Their laughter muffled by the sound of anxious sighs

Their innocence tainted by the fear in their parents' eyes.

Oh, let them be shielded from the harshness of life

Let them roam free, unencumbered by adult strife

For they are the future, the light in the gloom

Let them be children, untouched by the weight of doom.

But until that day comes, we must hold them close

And protect them from the fears that threaten their repose

Let them know that they are loved, that they are safe

And shield them from the burdens of the adult race.

Source: megan lockhart

As a Child…

As a child, I was scared of the dark

The shadows looming, the monsters hark

I'd hide under covers, tightly curled

Hoping and praying, to not be unfurled

Every creak of the floor, every rustling sound

Sent shivers down my spine, and fear abound

But as I grew older, I learned to be brave

To face my fears, and not be enslaved

Now I look back, and laugh at my fright

For I've conquered my fears, and stood up to the night

No longer afraid of the monsters in the dark,

But some other fear stirs, it harks.

As an adult, I fear being weak or alone,

Or maybe I'm afraid my heart turned to stone.

Now, it is worse, and I hide under the blanket,

The bottle said, 'Drink Me', and I drank it.

Source: co:listic agency

I Was a Child, Now I’m an Adult

In the hush of twilight's fading glow,

Where shadows dance with secrets untold,

There lies a moment, both sweet and cold,

Where innocence is stripped, and truth unfolds.

Once deemed a child, a tender soul,

Now thrust into a world, unknown, untamed,

Where kindness fades, and hearts grow cold,

And cruelty becomes the cruelest game.

Gone are the days of laughter's ring,

Replaced by whispers that sting and cling,

No longer sheltered within arms so kind,

But cast adrift, a lone ship in a stormy mind.

The world once gentle, now a tempest's wrath,

Its jagged edges cut, leaving scars that last,

Invisible wounds, etched deep within,

A reminder that life can be ruthless and grim.

For in this transition, where childhood fades,

The veil is lifted, revealing life's harsh shades,

The innocence shattered, illusions torn asunder,

New adversaries emerge, wielding their thunder.


A child left alone, with no one to care

No hugs, no comfort, no one to be there

Inadequate caregivers, neglecting their role

Leaving the child with a wounded soul

No bedtime stories, no kisses goodnight

No one to hold them, no one in sight

They long for love, for a gentle touch

But all they feel is pain and such

Their innocence stolen, their trust betrayed

By those who were supposed to have stayed

Inadequate caregivers, failing at their task

Leaving the child to wear a painful mask

But hope still lingers in their eyes

A longing for love that never dies

They deserve better, they deserve to be seen

For a child with this life, love should intervene.

Source: co:listic agency

My First Love

In childhood's tender years, I found the one,

Whose laughter filled my heart with pure delight.

Innocent and sweet, under the golden sun,

We danced and played, our future shining bright.

Unaware of the world's complexities,

We held hands and shared our little secrets.

In each other's company, we found ease,

As our love grew, so did our affections.

But as we grew, our paths began to stray,

Time and distance pulled us far apart.

Though in my heart, our love will forever stay,

A cherished memory, a precious art.

Oh, childhood first love, so pure and sincere,

I'll hold onto you, forever, my dear.

Source: megan lockhart
Source: co:listic agency

…Wandered Off…

A child wandered off, lost in the crowd,
Their parent frantically calling out loud,
Panic sets in, heart racing fast,
As the child feels so small and aghast.

They look around, searching in vain,
For the familiar face that eases their pain,
But they are lost in a sea of strangers,
Their fear and confusion only grows greater.

Tears well up in their innocent eyes,
As they realize they're alone under the skies,
The world feels big and overwhelming,
As they long for their parent's loving embracing.

But suddenly, a hand rests on their shoulder,
Their parent's relieved voice makes them feel bolder,
They are found, safe and secure once more,
Their parent's love is something they adore.

The panic subsides, the fear fades away,
As they cling to their parent, never to stray,
For in that moment of feeling lost and alone,
They learned the true value of a place called home.


Children are the most forgiving,

Even while adults are sinning.

With eyes wide and bright and full of life,

They do not deserve a cruel world's strife.

How do they do that, the children so sweet,

How do they get hit and still meet,

Them with love and forgiveness?

Never, ever forget this.

They need more attending, they need more love,

Don't just answer to a God above.

Take care of your child, do it well;

There are plenty of people who would do it swell.

While your child attends their wounds,

I hope you look out at the moon.

Remember how it felt, the day everything began to hurt?

Source: megan lockhart

First Tooth

Tiny pearl, adrift

In the vast ocean of smiles,

First tooth bids farewell.

Giddy, wobbly grin,

A milestone in childhood's realm,

Loose tooth, set to part.

Wiggling, teasing,

Tongue's delicate dance of hope,

Lofty dreams take flight.

Tenderness, tinged with

A hint of bittersweet joy,

Growing up, whispers.

Pillow, awaiting,

Treasure tucked beneath, a gift,

Tooth fairy's delight.

A gap, like a bridge,

Between babyhood and youth,

Missing piece, now gone.

New space, like a song,

Inviting mischief and growth,

Glimpse of future's hold.

Farewell, tiny tooth,

Memories etched in your wake,

Childhood's fleeting grasp.

Oh, first tooth, you've flown,

Leaving dreams within my heart,

A cherished chapter.

Source: co:listic agency

Untitled Poem

A child in pain, a heart so small
Invisible scars, inflicted by a parent's cruel call
Their tiny frame, wracked with fear
The echoes of violence, all too near

The hand that should caress and soothe
Instead becomes a weapon, so ruthlessly aloof
The tears that fall, stained with sorrow
As the innocence of youth is stolen tomorrow

Oh, precious child, so tender and meek
In the darkness, you are not alone, not weak
For those who love you, will stand tall
To shield you from harm, to break the chains that enthrall

Know that you are worthy of love and care
That your voice matters, and we will be there
To lift you up, to heal your wounds
And build a world where every child is immune

To the pain and suffering, inflicted by those meant to cherish
For every child deserves a life free from anguish,
So let us unite, to banish the darkness from their sight
And fill their hearts with love, hope, and light.

In a Home Where Love is Lost…

In a home where love is lost,

A child's heart beats like a cost,

Drowned in a sea of pain,

Their smile hides their cries in vain.

Their eyes once bright, now dim,

Reflect the sorrow within,

As they struggle to find peace,

In a world that brings them grief.

Their laughter stifled by fear,

Their dreams silenced by tears,

Their voice muffled by shame,

Their soul weighed down by blame.

But still they hold on tight,

To hope, their only light,

For in its warm embrace,

They find solace and grace.

Source: co:listic agency

Who Would Do That to a Child?

A child's hopefulness shattered
By hands that should protect
A darkness creeping in
Leaving the child in neglect

Tears fall like rain
Silent cries go unheard
A soul burdened with shame
A heart with scars incurred

It's a crime beyond words
A trespass of the soul
Leaving a child's spirit crushed
And their innocence stole

Who would do that to a child?
What, are we beasts, wild?
To harm and maim, take with greed,
To hurt someone without heed.

Source: co:listic agency


In a glass bowl, small and serene,

A vibrant life in gentle sway,

This golden being with gossamer fins,

Brought joy to the girl every day.

With eyes like liquid moonlight,

And scales like a sun-kissed stream,

Their bond stretched beyond mere existence,

A friendship that felt like a dream.

She would share her whispered secrets,

As they shimmered in their secret code,

With every bubble's spectral rise,

Their connection began to unfold.

Days would pass, and time would drift,

As they journeyed through life's fragile thread,

But fate holds not in gentle hands,

No matter how heartfelt words are said.

One somber morn, as sunbeams wept,

The girl awoke to a world turned gray,

Her cherished friend, now still and lifeless,

Her heartache held not a word to say.

Through tears that flowed like silver streams,

She cradled her friend, now at peace,

An ethereal song echoed in silence,

As love's embrace began to release.

Yet memories bloomed with vivid hues,

In the garden of her fragile soul,

The echoes of laughter, the touch of a fin,

Imprinted deep within, making her whole.


I remember the first time
I wobbled and swayed
nervously gripping the handlebars
trying to find my balance

But gradually
I found my confidence
and felt the exhilaration
of moving forward on my own

The wind whipped through my hair
and the world blurred around me
as I pedaled faster and faster
feeling the rush of freedom

I could go anywhere
with the wind at my back
and the sun on my face
I was invincible

Learning to ride a bike
was like unlocking a secret
of how to navigate the world
with nothing but the strength in my legs

And in those moments
I felt so alive
so free
so utterly at peace.

Source: megan lockhart

Under the Bed…

Under the bed, a monster hides,

Its eerie presence, where darkness resides.

It waits and waits, for the cover of night,

To give children a terrible fright.

But fear not, for the truth is clear,

The monster's only real when we let it appear.

So tuck yourself in, and close your eyes tight,

The monster under the bed has no real might.

Source: co:listic agency

The Bandaid

The child hesitates, feeling the fear

Of the pain that is sure to come near

But with a deep breath, they muster the courage

To rip off the bandaid, and the pain they will discourage

It stings for a moment, but then it subsides

The lesson, clear as day, cannot be denied

Sometimes in life, we must face our fears

And though it may hurt, it will dry up our tears

So when the tough times come, and we want to shy away

Remember the lesson of the bandaid, and be brave today

For in facing our fears, we grow and we learn

And the pain will soon fade, as resilience we earn

Source: co:listic agency

Older Sibling

Alone in the shadows, left behind,

By my older sibling, so unkind.

Ostracized and cast away,

I long for the warmth of their embrace.

I follow them, but they push me away,

Their cruel laughter echoes in my ears.

I yearn for their love, their acceptance,

But they only see me as a nuisance.

I try to please them, to earn their favor,

But it's like I'm invisible, rotten ice cream flavor.

I long for the bond we once shared,

But now I'm alone, feeling so scared.

I wish they'd see me, and understand,

That I just want to hold their hand.

But they turn their back, leaving me to cry,

As I wonder why they want me to die.

I'll keep trying, keep hoping for the day,

When they'll welcome me back, and we'll find our way.

But for now, I'll stay strong and hold my pride,

Even though I'm hurting deep inside.

Best Friends

Childhood best friends, always there.
Sharing secrets and laughter without a care.
Friendship bracelets, tight on our wrists.
A bond so strong, it just cannot be missed.

Braiding each other's hair, giggles fill the air,
Memories made, so many to share.
Through thick and thin, we'll always be
Forever friends, just you and me.


Candy sweet, sugar rush
Melts on my tongue, a sugary blush
A moment of joy, a touch of delight
Sweets to savor, a delicious flight

Source: co:listic agency

The Child Within

There's a child within us all

A tender heart that needs to be held

With care and love, it can grow tall

But neglect will leave it in hell.

It dances in the light of day

And dreams in the stillness of night

It longs for love in every way

And yearns to be held tight

So let us cherish the child within

And nourish it with tender care

For it holds the purest joy, no sin

And deserves to know love is always there

For the child within is pure and true

And it's up to us to protect and guide

So let's embrace it and give it all it's due

For it's the child within that keeps us alive.

…Ask for Help…

As babies, 

we are born with one skill. 

We scream, 

we cry, 

we ask for help in our own way. 

That is what makes us different. 

As we grow up, 

who decides to stop listening? 

Who chooses to ignore our cries, 

us asking for help? 

When did it get harder to be heard? 

When did we get quieter?

As much as I want to lament in my own sorrow,

and say it is so hard to get good help,

I need you to remember one thing;


be afraid

to ask



Images are from Unsplash, or owned by Samantha Ruth.

Email me for poem usage at: [email protected]

Source: co:listic agency
Source: jjjjjohn
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